The Rein Android App Released


​Reiner officially releases his own Android app.

Basically, this app retrieves and stores articles from my website’s database through an API 

made by yours truly. This is a testament to my “Full-Stackhood”, so to speak. Later on, I’ll add more features such as push notifications, a chatbot, and maybe some other fancy stuff where you can upload your picture and it’ll say something about you. Who knows where this will go?

This is made in Native (Java, baby!). Hybrid suxx! :P (But I do make hybrid apps though.) I still think Native app development is still the best way to go in Android. It only took my less than two days to do this. However, the Google Play approval process took a long time due to the quarantine.

Well, I hope you all like it. This app saves the articles of this website so that you can view them offline. Maybe I’ll write something good in the future for something worth being an offline material.

To download the app, just click on the big shiny flat Google

 Play badge below:

Get it on Google Play

Alternatively, you can also scan the QR Code below: