Random AM Thoughs 05/16/2018


According to an 80's Tom Selleck movie, Japan takes the best of every country and makes it its own. 

I hope the current generation of young Filipinos who's ever been abroad or has grown up abroad have the same mentality. Rizal started it by enlightening us with the reality of our oppressed state back in the Spanish colonial era. 

Some of us might choose to leave the country for good, but our prestige as Filipinos still reflects on our home country's state. South Korea was devastated after a war. Japan was nuked. I wonder why we can't perform the same feat. Are we culturally or racially inferior? Are we uncivilized? Or maybe since we don't have a winter that we're always snappy to pull each other down like a bunch of crabs trapped inside a hot pot?

Same analogy goes with a toilet with a broken flush. You fix it. You don't go moving into another house until you break the flush again. (I chose this analogy since I've noticed that a lot of Filipinos just choose to resort to the "buhos" style rather than have the flush fixed).